The Nakajima Ki-84, known by the Allied forces as “Frank,” was a prominent Japanese single-seat fighter aircraft used extensively during World War II. Developed and manufactured by Nakajima Aircraft Company, it was introduced into service in 1944 and quickly became renowned for its exceptional performance and maneuverability.

1944 to: 1945
1x Nakajima Ha-45 radial piston
1,800 horsepower
Max Cruise Speed:
337 knots
624 Km/h
Approach Speed (Vref):
Travel range:
1,815 Nautical Miles
3,361 Kilometers
Fuel Economy:
Service Ceiling:
36,090 feet
Rate of Climb:
3790 feet / minute
19.25metre / second
Take Off Distance:
Landing Distance:
Max Take Off Weight:
9,193 Kg
20,267 lbs
Max Landing Weight:
Max Payload:
Fuel Tank Capacity:
184 gallon
697 litre
Baggage Volume:
Seats - Economy / General:
Seats - Business Class:
Seats - First Class:
Cabin Height:
Cabin Width:
Cabin Length:
Exterior Length:
9.93 metre - 32.58 feet
Tail height:
3.38 metre - 11.09 feet
Fuselage Diameter:
Wing Span / Rotor Diameter:
11.25 metre - 36.91 feet
Wing Tips:
No Winglets

Developed by the Nakajima Aircraft Company, the Ki-84 was an answer to the increasing need for a high-performance fighter capable of contending with the advanced Allied aircraft, such as the P-51 Mustang and P-38 Lightning. The design and development of the Ki-84 commenced in early 1942, with a clear objective: to create a fighter with superior speed, firepower, and maneuverability, without compromising on the pilot’s protection and the aircraft’s range.

The Ki-84 made its first flight in March 1943, showcasing its potential from the outset. It was powered by a Nakajima Ha-45 radial piston engine, producing around 1,800 horsepower, which enabled it to reach speeds of 325 mph at sea level and an impressive 388 mph at high altitude. This powerplant was a significant step up from its predecessors, offering both high-speed performance and improved climbing ability.

One of the most notable aspects of the Ki-84 was its armament. It was equipped with two 20mm cannons and two 12.7mm machine guns, providing a formidable offensive capability. This was a marked improvement over earlier Japanese fighters, which were often criticized for their inadequate firepower. Additionally, the Ki-84 could carry two 250 kg bombs, enhancing its role as a versatile fighter-bomber.

The aircraft’s design included several advanced features for its time. Its all-metal construction, except for the fabric-covered control surfaces, and retractable tailwheel landing gear, were indicative of modern fighter designs. The incorporation of armor plating and self-sealing fuel tanks offered enhanced protection for the pilot, a feature that was often lacking in Japanese aircraft designs.

Despite its advanced design, the Ki-84 faced challenges, particularly towards the end of the war. Production was hampered by Japan’s dwindling industrial resources and the Allied bombing campaign, which impacted the availability of materials and skilled labor. This led to a decline in the quality of later models and reduced the aircraft’s reliability.

Nevertheless, the Ki-84 proved to be a formidable adversary in combat. It saw extensive action in various campaigns, including the defense of the Philippines and mainland Japan. Its performance at medium and low altitudes was particularly noteworthy, and it earned a reputation as a potent dogfighter, able to hold its own against the best Allied fighters.

Around 3,500 Ki-84s were produced during the war, a number that underscores its significance in Japan’s war effort. However, like many Japanese aircraft of the era, the end of the war saw the swift disappearance of the Ki-84 from service, with many being destroyed to prevent capture.

In retrospect, the Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate remains a symbol of Japan’s late-war aviation prowess. It combined aggressive firepower, high speed, and good maneuverability with improved pilot protection, setting it apart from its contemporaries. While it could not alter the course of the war, the Ki-84’s legacy lives on as a testament to the ingenuity and determination of Japanese aircraft design during one of history’s most tumultuous periods.

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